Emotion Dough

Emotions always rise

There Are Good Reasons For Locks And Caution

Bags already packed hidden in the bedroom closet

Actions adding up and becoming plain

An agenda YOU think is best isn’t always the best

But it feels good to YOU

So go ahead and steer along the easiest route

Telling yourself it’ll be fine

No one can tell you where this road leads with your earbuds in

Playlist scrapbook of expectations from various places and you’re in

I see it coming and my heart is broken.


You say you trust me but you don’t

Swear your plans are the only ones that matter and if I don’t come along you’re still going to go

Our dreams aren’t a thing we’re actually separated

When the signs are written down and exposed hope evaporated.


Who is safe

Just when you begin to read they change the plot.

Photo by Bob Price on Pexels.com

Music that helps keep my mind on things above. Via Spotify.