Emotion Dough

Emotions always rise

To The Surface It Comes Forth Truly

Don’t ask where I’m headed to because I don’t know,

I know what I’ll do when I arrive.

Take off my lens and see things as they really are,

I don’t feel safe here anymore.

Photo by Matthias Cooper on Pexels.com

Have you been honest? How ? You aren’t honest with yourself and if so, you’ve been hiding using misdirection and shrugs,

I sense, smell, can tell, there’s more unspoken,

I’m done playing, rain calls my tears by their names.

This is the betrayal I’ll use to become stone,

How can you play with our lives swearing we are one, still two, hidden with you, leading to, troubled springs?

More afraid of fighting for us than being swept away.

I’ve been a dummy for the longest time.

Photo by Oluwatoyin Adedokun on Pexels.com

Music that helps keep my mind on things above. Via Spotify.